Board Agenda » Board Meeting Agenda – 12/7/2020 [Special Meeting]

Board Meeting Agenda – 12/7/2020 [Special Meeting]

Governing Board Agenda  – 

Special Meeting

Date: 12/7/2020

Time: 4:30 p.m.

Location: Online Zoom –

** Due to the Covid-19 Physical Distancing Guidelines this Meeting will Be Held Exclusively Online Consistent with the Governor’s Executive Order Waiving Certain Provision of The Brown Act

Public input- on specific agenda items  – Any person of the public desiring to speak shall be allowed to speak during public comment time and has the option of speaking once on any agenda item when it is being discussed. Speaking time shall generally be limited to three minutes, unless a longer period is permitted by the Board President. Agenda speakers will be limited to five minutes. 

Special needs – If you have special needs because of a disability that makes it difficult for you to participate in the meeting or if you require assistance or auxiliary aids to participate in the meeting, please contact Cindy Kelley at 619-955-8555. King-Chavez will attempt to accommodate your disability.


Open Session:

1. Call to Order

2. Adopt Agenda

3. Public Hearing to Receive Stakeholder Input on Budget Overview for Parents

4.  Adjournment


For access to all the reports and documentation presented in this meeting, click here.