Board Agenda » Board Meeting Agenda- 9/4/24 

Board Meeting Agenda- 9/4/24 

Governing Board Agenda
Date: September 4, 2024 
Time: 3:30 p.m. 
Location: King Chavez Academy of Excellence, 2716 Marcy Ave, San Diego, CA 92113 
Public input- on specific agenda items and those items not on the agenda – Any person of the public desiring to speak shall be allowed to speak during public comment time and has the option of speaking once on any agenda item when it is being discussed. Speaking time shall generally be limited to three minutes, unless a longer period is permitted by the Board President. Agenda speakers will be limited to five minutes. 
Special needs - If you have special needs because of a disability that makes it difficult for you to participate in the meeting or if you require assistance or auxiliary aids to participate in the meeting, please contact Cindy Kelley at 619-955-8555. King-Chavez will attempt to accommodate your disability. 
Open Session: 
1. Call to Order 
2. Adopt Agenda 
3. Oral/Written communications from the public. Opportunity for members of the public to address the board regarding items not on this agenda. 
4. Approval of board action minutes for meeting dated June 5, 2024 
5. Information / Action - CEO update verbal report including operations, facilities, charter renewals and academics. Presented by Cindy Kelley.
05.a - Action - Election of Board Officers: President, Secretary / Treasurer, Parent Board Member Nominee 
6 - Information / Action – CAO update verbal report including financials, budget to actuals, budgets, forecast and operations. Presented by Laura May 
06.a - Action - Approval of Unaudited Financial Statements for the following Academies: King Chavez Primary Academy, King Chavez Arts and Athletics Academy, King Chavez Preparatory Academy, King Chavez Academy of Excellence, King Chavez Community High School. 
06.b - Action - Approval of the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan for the following Academies: King Chavez Primary Academy, King Chavez Arts and Athletics Academy, King Chavez Preparatory Academy, King Chavez Academy of Excellence, King Chavez Community High School. 
06.c -Information -Review of Arts and Music in School (Prop 28) Expense Report for the following Academies: King Chavez Primary Academy, King Chavez Arts and Athletics Academy, King Chavez Preparatory Academy, King Chavez Academy of Excellence, King Chavez Community High School. 
7. Consent Agenda 
07.a - Action - Approval of KCNS Employee Handbook 
07.b - Action - Approval of Parent & Student Handbooks for 2024-2025 
07.c - Action - Approval of Discrimination, Sex-Based Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Prevention Policy 
07.d - Action - Approval of updated Independent Study Policy 
07.e - Action - Approval of updated Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students Policy 
8. Information - Individual Academy Reports, Math Placement Report, Human Trafficking Board Report 
Closed session 
9. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956 Information / Action – Possible Litigation Return to Open Session 
10 - Report out Actions taken in closed session. 
11. Adjournment